Isolation During The Coronavirus: The Art of Going Within

As we navigate our inner and outer realms during this unprecedented time of global quarantine and its resulting aloneness and isolation, we may find ourselves facing a situation in which fear, contraction, anxiety and the desire to escape can feel overwhelming. This moment is no fluke of chance or accident. Life has placed each of us in the perfect position to go within, through the gateway of boredom and the removal of options, that we may begin to realize a Reality beyond the scope of our bodies and personal identities, one connected with the source of Life itself. We are up to our necks in a spiritual caldron of transformation, designed to teach us the art of going within as one way of life ends and another begins. Welcome to new consciousness!

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It's a Question of Healing

Our ability to unlock the “hidden” dimensions of ourself is only one, powerful question away. In any given moment, the only requirement for being able to hear the voice and wisdom of your own inner being as it communicates the Truth to you about any topic, experience, situation, or challenge is the courage to hear the Truth and the willingness to let go of expectations about what the answer ought to be. It’s really just a questions of healing. What beautiful and powerful question are you willing to ask yourself now?

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David Youngblood
Do You Think That's Air You're Breathing?

The breath is your connection to Reality beyond the senses. In fact, it is a model of Reality itself. As you naturally allow yourself to become more aware of your breath you are allowing a profound transformation of your consciousness to occur. The breath offers a model of Reality beyond your body and a connection with the multidimensional mind of Source, Spirit, God, or Creation. The breath offers you everything you have ever longed to realize. You can take a sigh of relief, you’re always at home in your breathing!

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David Youngblood