It's a Question of Healing
Creation is like a radio that is always broadcasting. The thoughts and emotions you identify with show you the station you’re tuned to. From this perspective, healing means not becoming identified with the contents of the radio broadcast. It’s not about avoiding a full spectrum of emotions and experiences, you’re here to be in the classroom of Life—by all means take the curriculum and feel everything!
Rather, this perspective on healing is about finding that in you which is unchanging amidst constantly changing circumstances. It’s an art, there’s no map or formula, so how can you unlock the healing wisdom within you?
The art of aligning to your inner being—the unchanging and unconditioned dimension of yourself—can be realized by asking yourself powerful and clarifying questions. A powerful question works by engaging that in you which is already healed. It therefore brings you into contact with the core of your true identity, which remains steadfast and unchanging, and which naturally heals the other aspects of your being by taking you beyond the surface of your awareness. Here’s what I mean.
When you ask a powerful and clarifying—also beautiful—question such as, “what would I feel like or become aware of if I experienced this moment from the Soul’s perspective?”, or, “what would I know, see, hear or feel in this moment if I allow my highest expression to guide me?”, you are actually opening the door to your heart and mind in order for Life to show you what another version of yourself would be like in any given moment. You’re not creating a new version of yourself, you’re simply becoming aware of the other versions which are already available.
Did you know you’re always walking around with multiple versions of yourself!? That’s how it’s possible to change between moods, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs or feelings which would not otherwise be able to coexist. In fact, this is an alternate model of reality to our time-bound model. If time is no longer the baseline of experience, than so-called ‘parallel realities’, or parallel selves are the alternative, and reflect a model of reality based upon simultaneity as opposed to sequence; in other words, the “Now” as opposed to past and future.
Open-ended, self-directed questions are a powerful way of inviting the yet unknown aspects of your consciousness to inform you. It’s like a cosmic google search. You use search terms in order to establish the parameters of your search, and google comes back with all of the applicable material it can find ranked in order of relevance! Changing a search term changes the answer.
In this regard, open-ended questions act like a sort of technology by establishing the “search terms” and thereby the version of reality which best matches your said search terms. Regardless of the particular question, all open-ended questions share this in common: they re-orient you to the Truth of your timeless nature. Therefore the response you receive inside yourself regarding, for example, “how might I act in this moment if I were aware of my timeless, eternal nature?” provides a Soul perspective on the unique moment you’re in. You could say that, implied within all open-ended questions, is the desire to be informed by Awareness itself, which is the timeless element within you.
Your willingness to align to the open field of possibilities without presupposing an answer to your question is how you channel wisdom from other aspects of your own consciousness. By contrast, the expectation that an answer will appear a certain way defeats the purpose of asking an open-ended question. Asking without expectation requires genuine courage plus the willingness to hear what you may not like. But in asking from a place of courage and willingness the answer is always given.
I find the most powerful self-directed questions are the ones I use to come into contact with the deep and intimate dimensions of my life, the ones that inform the way I wish to live and relate. These questions always contain something in them which brings me back to the awareness that this individual life called “David” is over in the blink of an eye (was actually over the moment is began!) and my mortality is nearby at all times. My time is limited, therefore my most powerful questions engage with how I will make the most of it. Asking powerful and clarifying questions teaches me how to respectfully and gently enter into the tender and vulnerable, hidden dimensions of my own life and being. By giving a question’s response time and space to flourish within me, asking powerful, self-directed questions without holding an expectation of the answer is indeed a sacred and courageous process.
So, can genuine healing really begin simply by asking a question? Let’s find out.
Dear reader, what do you truly desire? At the end of your life what will you look back upon in love and joy, and what in regret? What must you risk doing or saying in this life to feel complete before departing? Are you willing to do or say it now?
Your greatest healing may be one, simple question away. I wonder, what’s the right question for you?
In Love,
Together We Are One
David Y.
Photo Credit: Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash