
What is Healing?

Healing is your nature. Healing is what you are. In every moment of true healing then, your awareness is simply being returned to its original wholeness.

Our work together is intended to help you remember your present perfection, and then to practice living from that place. You have nothing to achieve, but you do have something to realize and remember. The return to wholeness comes with the recognition of who and what you’ve always been, and brings with it the organic transformation of your Body, Mind, Energy and Emotions.

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How Can I Prepare For My Session?

I invite you into the Mystery that is your life! We’re not here to fix or improve you, that’s impossible. You’re the very expression of perfection Itself. So, you may prepare for you session by being willing to forget everything you think you know about yourself. Arrive with the willingness to discover something new about yourself and you’ll be well prepared. I encourage you to come with questions you would like to address, which will give us a clear place to begin the conversation and will serve to make the most of your time. Or, if you find yourself in need of help and don’t know what to ask, that’s also a perfect place to begin!


Is a Session Right For Me?

You always know what you need. I encourage you to trust your intuition. It may be telling you that a session is your way to hear and receive the next piece of wisdom coming to you from your own, Inner Being.


What Can I Expect?

Expect your session to be Powerful and Practical. Expect that I will meet you wherever you’re at, no issue or question is too large or small. Expect that the tools you will be given are unique to you and designed to usher in the next stage of your Soul’s awakening into form.

You Are Safe 

You can’t relax without knowing you’re safe. Those of us with a natural spiritual awareness often wrestle with the feeling that our sensitivity, empathy and openness is the cause of our trauma. As you unwind your contractions and beliefs and welcome back your natural gentleness and sensitivity, it is vital to feel that the vulnerability and courage it takes to share yourself will be met with appreciation and safety. Just surviving your own life is an act of heroism. I totally understand. In our session, You’re In Control.

Whether you’re feeling stuck and stagnant and it’s simply a question of aligning to the clarity of your next step, or you’re just beginning to emerge from years of intense trauma, survival and contraction, I join you in Joy and Gratitude for the uniqueness of your Being. Come as you are


You are safe to be here.