What is The Soul School?
What is The Soul School? The Soul School is the title of this platform, providing content related to different aspects of the collective awakening of human consciousness with the hope that it may ease or quicken your own journey of incarnation. The Soul School is also the very life you’re already living here on Earth. For the Soul, Earth is a classroom in which we come to experience life from the unique perspective of time and space and the unique “lessons” of your life-path. The Soul’s desire and purpose is always to realize more consciousness, which is essentially what evolution means—the growth and rise of consciousness. Therefore the lessons of the Soul are all about bringing that in you which is less conscious into the light of higher consciousness.
Essentially, each of us is part of a human evolution in the process of moving beyond the reality of the senses. The senses provide a version of reality which is relative to your body. When your body dies, it also dies. But we are each engaged in another reality which we tend to overlook. It’s a timeless and abiding Reality and remains constant regardless of the ceaseless change happening all around and within you. Whereas the western world’s idea of education is personalized and skill-oriented, focused on mastering certain skills and accumulating knowledge, Soul’s education centers around developing compassion, kindness, joy, love, gratitude, patience, perseverance or anything else upon which Reality is based. The Soul’s education
The lessons of the Soul are of an entirely spiritual nature organized around Life’s desire to realize Oneness and Self-Love in all beings and circumstances. Therefore while your mind might think it’s learning a discrete skill of some kind as it’s engaged with intellectual learning, the high level of impatience you meet yourself and others with might be the real lesson Soul is working on. The skill you study may be handy and relevant but the soul lesson will be permanent and transformational. Lessons of Soul all boil down to the same stuff: developing self-compassion, letting go of any judgements toward yourself and others, and realizing the divine and inherent perfection in every instant regardless of its appearance. The last one is big. It really means that every time you believe the thought or feeling that Life should be different, you’re out of alignment with your Soul. Everything that is happening now is supposed to be happening—in your life, in the world, in the universe. Only Perfection Exists.