What is Soul?

What is Soul? The short answer is, “it’s you!” Soul is the aliveness within you. When you, as Soul, carefully made your arrangements to come have an earth experience you donned an earth-suit, a special outfit designed to be a perfect match for the atmosphere and environment, and for the set of experiences you elected to give yourself throughout this lifetime. Your space suit is the perfect match for you. You have had many, many spacesuits previously and from your point of view as Soul no spacesuit is better than another. They are simply a means of experience. When it comes time to return your suit to the rent-a-center called Mother Earth on your way out of the amusement park, rest assured you will continue being you. You will look upon the body as a vehicle you’re stepping out of which has done its job and carried you around for a while. As you close the door behind you, all the while fully conscious, no moment of “death” will have occurred. You will continue to live, uninterrupted.

Soul is the very connection you hold with all living things, and it stands outside of the time-space reality we experience as physicality. Soul is what now sees through your eyes and hears through your ears! Soul is a unified field of intelligence, call it God, Spirit, Source, Creation, Inner Being, Awareness, or whatever word you wish. Above all, Soul is the quality of presence. When you look back upon your life, you realize that the six year old version of you referred to himself/herself as ‘I’. Then, you notice that the sixteen year old version of you refereed to himself/herself as ‘I’. Also, every other version of you, regardless of age, carried around this ‘I’, and pretty soon you see that ‘I’ has been a common denominator to every one of your experiences— you have always been present no matter what was happening! The fact of your very presence throughout the course of different ages and experiences is indeed the presence of Soul. It remains the only constant amidst an ever-changing sea of variables! Soul is Awareness, Soul is Presence, which are the very qualities of your Aliveness and will continue on after the body has been left behind.